An email consult is usually answered within 48 hours. A number of readers work part-time at Mediumchat and are not always present.
There are two reasons why you have not received your email consultation within 48 hours:
1. It ended up in your spam box, take a look at this first.
2. The reader was unable to answer within 48 hours, let us know via a message
If a reader has failed several times to answer email consultations within 48 hours, we may have turned this service off for the reader in question.
39,628 reviews
39,628 reviews
Very good reader, very very good, everything on point, Its me Gabriel, its J, we spoke tonight. My pm was off, I just put it on, please send me the information that we spoke about, the lovely prayers. Speak to you soonMystery
39,628 reviews
39,628 reviews