Dominique image Offline

Medium, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant & Reiki Master

Dominique image Offline

Medium, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant & Reiki Master

Languages / Country:
Mediumchat Spanish
Languages / Country:
Mediumchat Spanish






First chat with this beautiful lady, amazing I will definitely be returning for another chat x Bernadette
13 Aug 2024
Thank You for the chat, it made me feel more uplifted and more in tune to others around me, mind sending a PM if you see more? I feel more connected now Zach
06 Aug 2024
Dominique is incredible. She is able to connect with the loved ones in spirit and she gives amazing evidence. I have never been disappointed by her readings. Kasia
04 Aug 2024
I really enjoyed our read. Thank you for your in put. I'm not going to get my hopes up. But i know we will end up together some day down the road. Just hope he has learned from his mistakes. Thank you again Dena
03 Aug 2024
Dominique gave a profound reading. Highly intuitive, she is a remarkable psychic. I appreciate her insight and encouragement. Thank You. Allen
29 Jul 2024
Dominique's gift is really unique. She is able to connect very easily with your situation and with your loved ones in spirit. I really love chatting with her. Kasia
10 Apr 2024
She is really good - she told me smth super helpful so that I can avoid certain men! Sadly we got cut off Tanya
17 Mar 2024
She was super, chatted a couple times before, quick with information and insight and energy. Thank You Zach
01 Mar 2024
Very helpful reader - straightforward, does not go around the tangent, very fast typer and tells you the way she sees it - without fluff and time wasting! thank YOU! Tanya
23 Feb 2024

About Dominique

Gifts and methods

  • Clairvoyant
  • Clairvoyant
  • Tarot cards
  • Tarot cards
  • Shaman
  • Shaman
  • Love coach
  • Love coach
  • Spiritual coach
  • Spiritual coach


  • Empathetic and insightful
  • I feel your energy
  • Straightforward and practical
What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?

Do you have questions around your romantic life, relational dynamics you currently or direction in your personal and career path? Through my "sight" I am able to tap into relationships between yourself and someone else and be able to determine how to move forward for your highest benefit. This can look like guiding you in improving the obstacles stirring up or helping you find the realizations needed in discerning what is best for you and this relationship. I can look into the past lives you carry that affect the present time and what those relationships looked like in those lives. I can see multiple future outcomes according to the decisions you are currently making (this can of course change). I am able to look at the obstacles and blocks you currently face that are holding you back or keeping you stagnant. I like to work with a photo of you if possible so I can connect deeply. Through my awareness and vision the knowing of what is most alive for you and present will begin to flood in. I love using tarot to tap into archetypes and discover deeper meanings that pertain to your particular situation or question at hand. Together we will find direction and accurate insights that will help you uncover what needs to change or where you can take action in discovering your life path, step by step.

My method

My method

I will use Tarot in most of my readings, this is a great tool for allowing me to read around archetypes and what the specific card means for you. For more accurate and quick responses you can upload of a photo of yourself and/or the person being brought up in the reading that I can see in real time. In the Mediumchat system you can easily upload photos. However, it is not absolutely necessary knowing the persons name will allow to me to reach them and bring forth answers immediately. I am open to any and all questions you are needing guidance and clear details on. For mediumship readings I ask that you respond with yes and no to the information being presented this allows me to stay on track with what is accurate. I connect to spirit and ask to communicate with a spirit that has a message specifically for you that pertains to your journey towards healing. I start with psychic information and then move towards mediumship.

About me

About me

Hello! Welcome and thank you for your interest in me. I have had heightened clairvoyant gifts since the age of three. I have had spirit visitations for as long as I can remember and have read for almost 10 years. I have my certificate as an Akashic Record reader, Medical Intuitive, Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. I studied psychology for 6 years and underwent school to become a Transformation and Ancestral Lineage Coach. Throughout the years I was mostly seeing clients through my personal business and have now begun reading for MediumChat which is amazing. I have read for groups of people, children, parents, friends and my community. I am absolutely thrilled to be here and be of service to others and cannot wait to work with you next. Thank you !

Reviews from our customers

Reviews from our customers

35,654 reviews

Rated 5 start based on 35,654 reviews

First chat with this beautiful lady, amazing I will definitely be returning for another chat x Bernadette
13 Aug 2024
Thank You for the chat, it made me feel more uplifted and more in tune to others around me, mind sending a PM if you see more? I feel more connected now Zach
06 Aug 2024
Dominique is incredible. She is able to connect with the loved ones in spirit and she gives amazing evidence. I have never been disappointed by her readings. Kasia
04 Aug 2024
I really enjoyed our read. Thank you for your in put. I'm not going to get my hopes up. But i know we will end up together some day down the road. Just hope he has learned from his mistakes. Thank you again Dena
03 Aug 2024
Dominique gave a profound reading. Highly intuitive, she is a remarkable psychic. I appreciate her insight and encouragement. Thank You. Allen
29 Jul 2024
Dominique's gift is really unique. She is able to connect very easily with your situation and with your loved ones in spirit. I really love chatting with her. Kasia
10 Apr 2024
She is really good - she told me smth super helpful so that I can avoid certain men! Sadly we got cut off Tanya
17 Mar 2024
She was super, chatted a couple times before, quick with information and insight and energy. Thank You Zach
01 Mar 2024
Very helpful reader - straightforward, does not go around the tangent, very fast typer and tells you the way she sees it - without fluff and time wasting! thank YOU! Tanya
23 Feb 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Dominique image Offline

Medium, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant & Reiki Master

Dominique image Offline

Medium, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant & Reiki Master

Languages / Country:
Mediumchat Spanish
Languages / Country:
Mediumchat Spanish




