If your birthday is in January, your zodiac sign is either Capricorn or Aquarius.
January Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
December 22nd to January 19th.In love with a Capricorn? Read more here.
Curious about Capricorn's characteristics?
If you were you born on January 1, January 2, January 3, January 4, January 5, January 6, January 7, January 8, January 9, January 10, January 11, January 12, January 13, January 14, January 15, 16 January, January 17, January 18 or January 19, then your Zodiac star sign is Capricorn.
January Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
January 20th to February 19th.In love with an Aquarius? Read more here.
Curious about the characteristics of Aquarians?
If you were born on January 20, January 21, January 22, January 23, January 24, January 25, January 26, January 27, January 28, January 29, January 30 or finally January 31, then your Zodiac star sign Aquarius.
In Love with a Capricorn? You’ll Need a Lot of Patience!
Step by step is how it always goes with Capricorns because they need time to get used to new people! Even though they tend to be reserved at first, don't worry. They’ll unwind once they get more comfortable with you. Remember, Capricorns are very independent and don’t want to be tied down too quickly, so don’t pressure them. Just have patience. If you treat them right, your Capricorn’s love will last a lifetime.
Is there a match between you two?
Do you have a crush on someone with this zodiac sign, and would you like to know if you're compatible? Our mediums and psychics will provide you with the insights you need to find out if you have a future together. Start your free chat.Beware, Heartbreakers: Capricorns Never Forgive Cheating!
Listen up! Capricorns are loyal and faithful souls, and cheating is the last thing you want to mix into their honest, authentic personality. Forget about your side flings and love affairs! If they find out (and they always do), Capricorns will never forgive you. Even worse, a Capricorn’s heartbreak from cheating cannot be unbroken. So, if you do go sleeping around, it will be the end of your relationship for sure.Approach Capricorns yourself. They don’t make the first move.
If you see a group of potential matches at your favorite bar—but you know that you need a good Capricorn in your life—keep in mind that Aries will be the first ones to come up to you. Don’t fall for their trap! Get rid of that Aries and go find your Capricorn hiding in the background! Chill, confident, but never desperate. You’ll definitely need to make the first move here. Once you find your Capricorn, if they ask if you’re single… Bingo! Your work here is done.Dating a Capricorn? You’ve Got a Workaholic to Care For.
Capricorns are super career-oriented, but does that mean all your intimate time is gone? Of course not, but this may be a topic your Capricorn will need to work on. Don’t worry, you’ll certainly find time to spend together! Capricorns take great responsibility for their families and are committed partners, so if they realize they need to shift their focus a little, they definitely will.Butting heads with a Capricorn? Just Give it Time.
Are you and a Capricorn not seeing eye to eye? Well, first, take a few deep breaths. Next, suggest that you each spend some time alone. Capricorns always like this anyway, so your suggestion will prevent them from overreacting or pushing you away. Wait at least 24 hours before talking things over. They’ll be processing everything on their own during this time. After that, don’t be surprised if this one-day breather was all they needed to approach the situation with more clarity!
“Good” is Never Good Enough for Capricorns!
Capricorn star signs never settle for good enough. For them, everything in life must be perfect! They want to the best at everything they do and the masters of their own domain. So, yes, that means if you’re that sloppy friend, leaving your house in a mess, or, God forbid, never putting the cap back on your toothpaste, stay away from CapricornsGet to know yourself
Do you want to quickly learn more about who you are? About how you are composed and what choices you need to make in life? Our mediums and psychics can provide you insights into the decisions you can make through a simple conversation. Start your free chat.Do Capricorns Confuse You?
Capricorns tend to have an air of mystery about them, but don't worry. They’re usually not hiding anything. Capricorns just think showing off a mysterious persona makes them more interesting to the world. A word of advice: Let Capricorns have their fun with this. It’s one of the few things they don’t take so seriously!Need a Shoulder to Lean on? Let a Capricorn be Your Rock!
Capricorns support their loved ones through thick and thin, in good times and bad. Even if you’ve got massive problems, Capricorns will never let you down! You can count on them to always provide you a shoulder to lean on. So, never think twice about asking a Capricorn for help. They’ll move mountains for you.
Superior, Critical Capricorns
Yes, it’s hard, but don’t assume a Capricorn’s harsh statements make them judgy. Think of these unrequested pieces of advice like little care packages! Capricorns are all about perfection, like jaguars lying in wait, waiting for imperfections they can pounce on and improve. So, even if a Capricorn’s harsh statements come off as superior or overly critical, they don’t share them to judge. They just want what’s best for you.Who gets the Last Laugh? The Capricorn and Humor
Capricorn star signs love to laugh! However, they won’t laugh at just anything and certainly not bathroom humor. Satirical and sarcastic humor is where it’s at to keep your Capricorn belly laughing for hours. In fact, if you don’t do sarcasm, it’s best to move along.Your personalized reading
Do you have questions about your personal situation, or do you want more information about who you are and what choices you should make? Our mediums and psychics are here to help you.Want to Know More About the Characteristics of Capricorns?
Capricorns are funny, but they can get overly emotional, too. Capricorns also see everything in black and white. Why can't Capricorns be more lighthearted, you ask? Well, they are extremely responsible people and often come across as overly serious. Make no mistake, though: Capricorns can be real party animals, too! That serious exterior of theirs falls off like a bad coat at a good party.Want to know more about what makes Capricorns tick? Click on one of these pages below:
» Characteristics of Capricorns
» Daily horoscope for Capricorns
Are Aquarians the Life of the Party?
Aquarians can sometimes come off pricks, but this star sign is honestly a riot going through life carefree. Relaxed, living the good life, Aquarius can move in and out of any social circle. Hard to pin down, hard to read, they’re also weirdly vulnerable. Does everyone really have an Aquarius they’re attracted to as some say? How do Aquarians get this magical charm? Do you have a crush on an Aquarius, too?» Read more about Aquarius on our February zodiac sign page.