The Capricorn Personality
When trying to understand Capricorns, an overarching theme to remember is that they are self-disciplined and responsible, sometimes to the extent that people think they’re cold. In reality, they’re not cold; they just like doing things themselves, so they know it will get done properly. Capricorns can be pretty stubborn, too, so expect a little disagreement when working with them.
Essential Characteristics of Capricorns
When it comes to social interactions, Capricorns often come off like a fish out of water. After a while, they open up, but if you want to connect with them quicker, be sure to cater to their intellectual side and make them laugh. Capricorns love a good sense of humor because it brings some lightness to their otherwise very serious lives. Capricorns also love listening to others and their emotions, even if they are uncomfortable revealing their feelings. Capricorns can often seem a little aloof, but don’t worry. That’s just their quirkiness.

Capricorns in Love
Capricorns in Relationships
Capricorns are honest, trustworthy, and care deeply for their partners. Do Capricorn men get jealous, however? Well, yes, but he’ll never show it. As for Capricorn women, jealousy isn’t usually an issue. It’s important to remember that Capricorns often don’t have much confidence when it comes to relationships, so if they have found someone they trust, they will want to keep that relationship going for as long as possible. If they see their partner with someone else, they’re more likely to feel sad than jealous.

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Capricorn Men Going Through a Breakup
To make a long story short: Capricorn men CANNOT handle breakups. They will do everything they can to convince their partner not to end the relationship. Capricorn men will try for weeks to get back together if a breakup happens. Don’t expect him to share his pain with his friends, either. Instead, the Capricorn man will withdraw even further into social isolation. Movies, books—especially books of the self-help variety—and ruminating about how he can get his partner back will be his most common pastimes. Simply put, heartbreak and Capricorn men do not mix well together at all.
Capricorn Women Going Through a Breakup
Capricorn women going through breakups tend to put up emotional walls and appear oblivious that anything should even be a problem. Capricorn women won’t try to stop their partners from breaking up with them because doing so would open them up to too much pain. Instead, they simply shut down. After the breakup, Capricorn women will need a lot of time to consider entering a new relationship. As long as she stays heartbroken, romance movies will be the Capricorn woman’s best friend. She will try to stay artificially filled with romance and avoid the fact that the relationship has ended.

Dating a Capricorn Woman
Charming a Capricorn woman can be difficult due to her fear of vulnerability. Capricorn women tend to be a little moody, so try to make her laugh. You’ll definitely earn points for that. Steer clear of talking directly about her emotions or things that are personal. These subjects can make her feel uncomfortable. Instead, talk about your own emotions. She’ll love discussing those. Also, when you go to schedule your date at an intellectual location (which is her favorite kind of date), be sure to arrive on time. A Capricorn woman is punctual and will not wait for you.
Dating a Capricorn Man
Capricorn Women in the Bedroom
Capricorn women are all about romance and foreplay, so bring out the candles and lay on the smooth, suave performance! Once you get her into bed, get to the point quickly. A Capricorn woman will take the lead, expecting you to keep up and stay fully … aroused the whole time. She can have multiple orgasms, and you better come well-equipped! To the Capricorn woman, sex is like a competition. Afterward, she’ll evaluate your performance, whether out loud or in her mind. If you don’t make the cut, she may never have sex with you again.
Capricorn Guys in the Bedroom
Here’s the thing. Getting a Capricorn guy into bed doesn’t just happen on its own. For Capricorn men, EVERYTHING has to be scheduled and planned, even sex. So, don’t expect any spontaneous lovemaking sessions. Capricorn guys will likely choose a specific day and make it clear to you that this is the day he wishes to have sex. Even if this seems weird, remember that he wants to do everything perfectly. Everything has to be just right when it comes to making love and impressing you. His strategies may not seem romantic at first, but when everything is right, he gives into his lovemaking completely.
The Best Partners for Capricorns
Capricorn and Taurus are a classic match. Both being Earth signs, in romantic relationships the dominant Capricorn doesn’t provoke the resistant Taurus as much as you might think. Instead, their relationship tends to be pleasant and relaxed. Capricorn and Leo relationships tend to be long-lasting, faithful, and fulfilling for both partners. Although their romantic relationships may not be particularly passionate, they tend to be stable. Lastly, Capricorn and Scorpio together produce many new ideas and keep each other happy and engaged.

Capricorns and Friendship
Capricorns at Work
Having sharp minds and high levels of confidence means Capricorns often work at very influential jobs. Their success comes largely from their patience and determination. When working on a project, Capricorns stay positive and organized, regardless of any difficulties. Self-discipline is also crucial for them. Capricorns can be extremely convincing in their leadership roles, even when they’re wrong. A word of caution though: without training, a Capricorn’s leadership can veer into tyranny when they don’t get their way. Start a free chat and gain immediate insights into your situation.
Life Lessons from Capricorns
Despite their stubbornness, over time Capricorns can learn to soften their overreactions and blunt comments through inner focus and mindfulness. With practice, Capricorns can come to realize that perfection isn’t always necessary. Learning to be more flexible and to accept certain flaws can make a Capricorn even stronger. Although they pride themselves on hard work and high achievements, Capricorns must also work on accepting themselves and quieting their inner criticisms.
Capricorns in Childhood
From an early age, Capricorn children tend to be little rebels, but that’s because they’re so excited to learn new things, use new tools, and speak their mind! Capricorn kids are always on high alert and notice things other kids don’t. They can be extremely serious for their age, but they also have a great sense of humor. Because of their insights, Capricorn kids often discover their hidden talents at an early age, and through perseverance, they can achieve whatever they set their minds to. In competitions, these little goats will always fight to be the greatest of all time.
Capricorns and Travel
Capricorns and Health
It is quite common for Capricorns to suffer from skin conditions including acne or eczema. Due to being worry warts, Capricorns can also get ulcers or upset stomachs. Substance addictions and coping mechanisms can also be a concern for Capricorns who tend to be uncomfortable with themselves. For this reason, it is crucial that Capricorns learn healthy stress-management techniques. After mastering their inner turmoil, Capricorns’ later years tend to be more enjoyable than their earlier years.
The Capricorn Zodiac Sign
The Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and one of the four Cardinal signs. Capricorn comes from the Greek myth of the goat Amalthea, who gave milk to a young Zeus. Due to this act of kindness, Zeus later gave her a place in heaven as a constellation. Capricorn is an Earth sign and ruled by the planet Saturn. Throughout history, astrologers have recognized Capricorns as stable, practical, and introverted individuals.
Capricorn - Winter Signs
Winter Signs tend to be dominant and confident, but they also have high degrees of sensitivity, acceptance, flexibility, and spirituality. Winter Signs are calm by nature, but they can also stir the pot on account of their strong ideas and ideals. Winter Signs are exceptionally imaginative and creative as well. Politics and economic justice often interest them greatly.
Famous Capricorns
For famous Capricorns throughout history consider: Pablo Casals, Tracey Ullman, Henri Matisse, Marlene Dietrich, Gerard Depardieu, John Denver, Louis Pasteur, Peter Koelewijn, Elizabeth Arden, Richard Noxon, Jasperina de Jing, Simone de Beauvoir, Elvis Presley, Shirley Bassey, JRR Tolkin, Mel Gibson, Stephen Stills, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Diane Keaton, Martin Luther King Jr., Edwin Rutten, Joan of Arc, Aristotle Onassis, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Adele Bloemendaal.

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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)