If your birthday is in December, your Zodiac star sign is either Sagittarius or Capricorn.
December Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius
November 22nd to December 21st.In love with a Sagittarius? Read more here.
Curious about Sagittarius’s characteristics?
Were you born on December 1st, December 2nd, December 3rd, December 4th, December 5th, December 6th, December 7th, December 8th, December 9th, December 10th, December 11th, December 12th, December 13th, December 14th, December 15th, December 16th, December 17th, December 18th, December 19th, December 20th or December 21st, then your Zodiac star sign is Aries.
December Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
December 22nd to January 20th.In love with a Capricorn? Read more here.
Curious about Capricorn's characteristics?
If you were born on December 21st, December 22nd, December 23rd, December 24th, December 25th, December 26th, December 27th, December 28th, December 29th or December 30th, then your Zodiac star sign is Capricorn.
In Love with a Sagittarius? Plan a Chill, Outdoor Date
Sagittarians hate obligations, so don't schedule a date down to the minute. Make an appointment between eight and nine instead. Don't start talking about intimate details either. If you keep a little mystery between you two, you’ll be much more attractive to them. Sagittarians are adventurous, too, so plan a date outside. Never forget that Sagittarians love thrills, and… you probably aren't their first date of the week.
Is there a match between you two?
Do you have a crush on someone with this zodiac sign, and would you like to know if you're compatible? Our mediums and psychics will provide you with the insights you need to find out if you have a future together. Start your free chat.In a Relationship with A Sagittarius? Follow Your Bliss!
Sagittarians will do everything to satisfy you and expect nothing in return. Their personality is friendly and effortlessly positive. Sagittarians don’t get jealous or possessive, so they won’t push you into something you don’t want. Learn from them! Treat your Sagittarius the same way and simply follow your bliss! Sagittarians are eternally optimistic, which makes them so pleasant to be around—a good sense of humor with a dash of hard truth. They wear their hearts on their sleeve and have no filter either.
Sagittarius in the Bedroom… or the Car, Airplane, Wherever!
Sagittarians live for adventure, and spontaneity is everything to them. So, don’t plan out your first sexual encounter beforehand. Surprise Sagittarius instead in the movie theater, in the car, on the beach, or in the elevator. Public sex is always a thrill! Long foreplay also gives Sagittarians extra pleasure.
Arguing with a Sagittarius? Nip it In the Bud!
When Sagittarians get bored, they can get grumpy, and when they get grumpy, a fight might be around the corner. Avoid boredom in the first place by skipping any small talk. Give your Sagittarian a compliment instead or make them laugh. If your Sagittarius has gotten grumpy, though, talk it out and find a solution immediately. That is your best strategy with Sagittarius. Guaranteed success!
Generous Sagittarius, the Holidays All Year Round
Sagittarians love giving gifts, and they look forward to the holidays like no other star sign. However, they don’t need to wait until the end of the year to buy presents. Sagittarians will come visit you any day of the week with a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers! Don’t misinterpret this, however. Sagittarians don't give gifts to be romantic. They like surprising people with happiness! When you’re in a relationship with a Sagittarius, expect presents when you least expect it.
Get to know yourself
Do you want to quickly learn more about who you are? About how you are composed and what choices you need to make in life? Our mediums and psychics can provide you insights into the decisions you can make through a simple conversation. Start your free chat.Sagittarius, A Sore Loser but Don’t Worry About It
Sagittarians love games, but don't be surprised if a harmless game ends in an explosion of anger! This is because Sagittarians get extremely competitive. Winning is serious business! Fortunately, Sagittarians never stay angry for long.
Sagittarius is Full of Surprises
Sagittarians love surprises and will go out of their way to find something to surprise you with. They love brightening your day by making you smile. Sometimes, your Sagittarius will even purposefully make you upset just so they can have a reason to make everything alright again with the perfect quirky surprise!
Sagittarius Makes You Feel at Home
Not everyone understands the humor of a Sagittarius, but when they talk, they’re so enthusiastic and extra that you have to laugh! Sagittarians are so relaxed that it feels like you’ve come home whenever you’re around them. Everything they do is fun and warm!
A Sagittarius Overlooks Nothing
Sagittarians remember every detail from when you first met—your clothes, your haircut, your smell, everything! Your Sagittarius will be the first to compliment you even when no one has else has noticed your new hair style. Sagittarians miss nothing due to their amazing eye for detail.
Sagittarius Fights for You
Anyone who knows a Sagittarius knows that they won’t hurt a fly, yet when it comes to standing up for you, they’ll look like they’re going into a bull fight! Sagittarians go through thick and thin for their loved ones, and they overcome any obstacle that stands in their way. Sagittarians will do anything to find a solution for you.
Your personalized reading
Do you have questions about your personal situation, or do you want more information about who you are and what choices you should make? Our mediums and psychics are here to help you.Want to know more about Sagittarius?
Sagittarians have the gift of a positive attitude that never stops! To Sagittarians, the glass is always half full, and failure is just another chance to start over. The heart of a Sagittarius is the largest you’ll ever encounter. They go out of their way to give love, time, and attention to all individuals along their path. Sagittarians are protective, which sometimes comes off as bossy, but they’re simply concerned for everyone’s wellbeing. Sagittarians make you feel like you’re the only person in the world. Want to know more? Read on below.
» Characteristics of Sagittarius
» Daily horoscope for Sagittarius
Capricorn Wants Perfection Everywhere… Even in Bed
Capricorns are passionate but can easily leave the wrong impression for those that don’t understand them. One day you might think you’re madly in love with a Capricorn, and not at all the next! This is because their personalities are very temperamental. Capricorns take life so seriously, always wanting everything to be perfect. Good enough is never good enough for a Capricorn. Even sex is a task that must be performed excellently to a Capricorn’s standards! Think you’re in love with a Capricorn?
» Read more on the January zodiac sign page.