Exploring the positive and negative characteristics of Sagittarius
It’s time to talk, Sagittarius! People born under the constellation of Sagittarius, known as Sagittarians, are intelligent, adventurous, and optimistic, just like the Archer they are named after. Sagittarians are deep individuals and always looking to expand their knowledge. They are fascinated by nature and animals and always hope to share this passion with others. Sagittarians love being around people. Due to their openness and great sense of humor, people love being around them! One thing is for sure: Sagittarians are always looking for the true meaning of life.
The Sagittarius Personality
Here is Sagittarius in a nutshell: they keep it 100% authentic, but if you try to take advantage of them, they immediately turn to ice. Sagittarians can’t stand negative people and will avoid them to maintain their positive natural energy. Sagittarians don’t spend time in the past. Instead, the future is what captivates them. Sagittarians generally don’t discuss their emotions that much, either. After they experience a heavy life event, they simply try to move on.
Essential Characteristics of Sagittarius
Here are some other general things to know about Sagittarius. Sagittarians love traveling, but once they get their life in order, they’re more than happy staying put for extended amounts of time. Oh, yeah, Sagittarians never get bored, either! Sagittarians feel most at ease in their own space, where they can explore their many thoughts and personal projects. They’re direct, reliable, and authentic—never playing games with people’s minds. Because of this, others look up to Sagittarians and respect their views. Sagittarians have the ability to change hearts and minds around the world.

Sagittarius in Love
So, you have your eye on a Sagittarius? Well, in romantic relationships, expect Sagittarians to show off intense emotions but return to their cool afterward. Sagittarians are definitely affectionate, but they have a unique way of expressing it. Also, start getting used to the Sagittarian sixth sense of recognizing unhappy people in need wherever they go. Sagittarians always have time to listen to a stranger’s troubles! In fact, knowing that someone appreciates them is far more critical to Sagittarians than a formal declaration of love.
Sagittarius in Relationships
If you can snag a Sagittarius into a relationship, good job! Sagittarians bring out the best in others and love being romantic. Sagittarians are independent and expect their partners to be comfortable on their own, too. Jealous and possessive personalities are the worst types for Sagittarians! Clingy, smothering relationships won’t last for very long with them. Sagittarians love to flirt, which can sometimes get tricky for insecure partners.

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Sagittarius Men Going Through a Breakup
Sagittarian men can’t stand disappointment due to their optimistic personality. This means rejection makes Sagittarian men downright miserable. However, Sagittarian men know that being stuck in heartbreak for a long time is unhealthy, so they plan to take action immediately. Sagittarian men will search inside themselves for their inner peace and get back on track.
Sagittarius Women Going Through a Breakup
Sagittarian women experience deep heartbreak and loneliness after practically any breakup. She can’t handle that much disappointment and may get depressed if she can’t figure out what went wrong. However, due to her amazing ability to make the best out of any situation, the Sagittarian woman can move on pretty quickly with her life. Sagittarian women look at life philosophically and often view breakups as meaningful life lessons that will guide them in the future.

Dating a Sagittarius Woman
Dating a Sagittarius Man
So, you want to get close to a Sagittarian man? Sagittarian men love complicated partners and finding out their deepest secrets. Sagittarian men also love being active on a first date— swimming, tennis, or other forms of exercise are great options for them. Sagittarian men can’t stand fakeness, so be sure to stay 100% yourself. Also, don’t compliment him too much! Flattery often feels like sucking up to Sagittarian men. Simply looking great and acting great is enough to make him happy.

Sagittarius Women in the Bedroom
When it comes to the bedroom, Sagittarian women are all over the place. She loves experimentation and would much rather take lovemaking out of the bedroom altogether—into a tent, forest, or onto the beach! Sex must be a spontaneous action with her. Otherwise, she gets bored quickly. Don’t take too long with your foreplay either, only the necessary parts. Toys don’t add much pleasure for her either, so you can leave them in the closet.
Sagittarius Guys in the Bedroom
Sagittarian men are natural hunters, which applies to their romantic and sexual desires. Sagittarian men are hungry for sex and will happily make love multiple times a day without any problem! Sagittarian men love experimenting with sex and think of themselves as professionals of the art form. He knows exactly what his partner wants and never lets it get boring. Before long, your Sagittarian man will have you doing things you never thought possible.
The Best Partners for Sagittarius
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and VirgoAries and Sagittarius are incredibly passionate when in love, both being energetic Fire signs. Their sexual attraction is off the charts. Sagittarius and Taurus, on the other hand, base their romance on the strong friendship they develop in the beginning. Sagittarius and Gemini have exciting romantic relationships since they are drawn to similar interests. As for Sagittarius and Virgo, their attraction is based on a strong physical connection.

Sagittarius and Friendship
So, you have a close Sagittarian friend in your life? Lucky for you, Sagittarians love maintaining high-quality friendships and sharing their best experiences with others. Sagittarians don’t complain to friends, either. Instead, they stay cheerful and keep any negative situations in their life to themselves. They are always happy to help friends in need and provide advice, even if their friends don’t listen to them. They won’t get hurt if their friends disregard their guidance, but Sagittarians will slowly drift away if they stop feeling appreciated.
Sagittarius at Work
Life Lessons from Sagittarius
Sagittarians are hard workers, but sometimes they must learn to express their feelings more and share their deepest passions! Sagittarians are eccentric and imaginative individuals, but sometimes they think others won’t accept their visions. They try to overcome their problems with tough inner battles, but Sagittarians also need to learn how to use love and kindness on themselves to nurture change.
Sagittarius in Childhood
Sagittarian children are quick and enthusiastic. They feel most comfortable outside in a garden, park, or workshop. Because they are so nimble and active, Sagittarian children should be placed into sports at an early age. They have a quiet, thoughtful side, too. Sagittarian children can spend hours reading books or magazines, especially about animals, foreign countries, and traveling.
Sagittarius and Travel
Sagittarius and Health
Sagittarians need to pay attention to their livers, so it’s best to limit alcohol. Sagittarians are very active individuals who keep their bodies healthy, but this can also lead to more injuries earlier in life. Sagittarians are naturally optimistic people, but when they get disappointed, depression is a real possibility. To counter this, Sagittarians must stay relaxed and take long walks when things get emotionally tricky.
The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. It is one of the three Mutable signs, is associated with the element of Fire, and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Throughout history, astrologers have determined Sagittarians to be spontaneous, moral, restless, caring, cheerful, honest, optimistic, intelligent, authentic, confident, approachable, dynamic, impatient, temperamental, warm, entrepreneurial, energetic, independent, and adventurous.
Sagittarius - Autumn Signs
People born in the autumn months tend to be more critical, picky, and less spontaneous than those born in spring while being more thoughtful than those born in summer. Autumn people excel at guarding their feelings. They have a strong need for serious, fulfilling relationships as well. Autumn people also have a keen sense of the energies around them. They tend to be less impulsive and control their emotions better than others. For these individuals, self-control and self-understanding are personal priorities throughout life.
Famous Sagittarius
For examples of famous Sagittarians throughout history, consider Tina Turner, Bette Midler, Sir Winston Churchill, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frank Sinatra, Woody Allen, Harpo Marx, Jeroen Krabbé, Maria Callas, Maarten 't Hart, Caroline Kennedy, Jacques Chirac, Joop Zoetemelk, Sinead O'Connor, Walt Disney, Joan Armstrong, Anna Freud, Emily Dickinson, Tom Waits, Ira Gerswin, Herman Finkers, Kirk Douglas, Larry Bird, Joan Didion, Toon Hermans, Liv Ullmann, Steven Spielberg, Carlo Ponti, Liesbeth List, Margret Mead, and Jaap van Zweden.

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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)