Exploring the positive and negative characteristics of Aries
Well, where to start with Aries? People born under the constellation of Aries—a.k.a. the Ram—are larger-than-life characters, heroic, competitive, and brutally honest. But a little egotistical and stubborn, too! Aries are authentic and optimistic in their abilities, confident and passionate. Nothing can stop this leader of the zodiac! They always figure out how to plow through their challenges. Acting impulsively, Aries decide what to do with their guts more than their heads. Aries are adventurous and adore being in the spotlight, but they can also be a little impatient when people around slow them down.The Aries Personality
To understand Aries, it’s important to remember that they thrive when in command and get what they want from others. This can sometimes produce challenges since Aries will lie to get their way. Thankfully, lying isn’t one of Aries’ strengths—it requires trickery which they don’t usually have—so others will stop them before they get out of control. Aries can get angry when they don’t get what they want, but it’s this passion that makes them great pioneers and trailblazers. Aries are always hyped when starting new projects, but they also know when to hand off things to someone else. Above all, Aries yearn for independence and freedom in whatever they do.Essential Characteristics of Aries
When it comes to activities, Aries will either be the best, or they’re not going to try at all. They like taking on active physical challenges and performing tasks others find impossible. They push themselves constantly and expect the same diligence from others. Always confident, Aries force their peers to step out of their comfort zone. Once a challenge gets boring, though, Aries will always hop off to find a more exciting battle.
Aries in Love
Aries in Relationships
A piece of advice when in a relationship with Aries: don’t try to control them! Aries need to maintain their autonomy and usually have all the abilities to do so. Instead of forcing Aries into situations, let them lead and create amazing opportunities wherever they go. Aries always like when they have trusting followers. However, it’s all a balance because Aries also need someone to challenge them. Otherwise, they get bored pretty quickly. Debates and friendly arguments get Aries especially excited. Oh, and they love receiving compliments!
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Aries Men Going Through a Breakup
Breakups don’t mean a lot to an Aries man. He usually finds a new person to connect with without much effort. After all, heartbreak and pain are wastes of time, so an Aries man won’t dwell on them. Instead, the positive energy inside him allows him to conquer any moodiness weighing him down. After a breakup, Aries men quickly go back out on the market and look for a new partner.Aries Women Going Through a Breakup
Unlike Aries men, Aries women do need a little more time to get over their breakups. Aries women will gather their friends and chat about their ex’s flaws since direct expression helps them process the pain. After a week or two of sharing her frustration and hurt, Aries women usually get tired of the negative stories. To mark the end of her grieving, she will often go out and buy a new outfit, get a haircut, or go to a new bar. If she can’t find someone right away with good chemistry, she may even sign up for a dating site.
Dating an Aries Woman
So, you’re looking to impress an Aries woman? Get ready for an exhilarating ride! Filled with passion and power, Aries women require a partner who will let her stay independent and trailblaze her path. Like all women, Aries women seek genuine love, but unlike others, they will never forsake their control and authority. The Aries woman needs an equal in her partner. Yes, she wants romance, but also true friendship. Dominant partners need not apply here.Dating an Aries Man
Dating an Aries man requires someone willing to take risks. Aries men love adventures and trying new things. He wants to stay excited and likely has an addiction to instant gratification. On the downside, relationships with Aries men are often short-lived since he gets bored quickly. Aries men are confident in their power, so they enjoy a partner who challenges them and takes the lead. Play hard to get! You’ll activate the inner hunter inside your Aries man. He’ll see the relationship as an exhilarating game.
Aries Women in the Bedroom
When it comes to making love, Aries women prefer taking the lead. With that inner fire burning inside her, the Aries woman will go for what she wants and give herself entirely over to the passion of the moment. Aries women find frills and foreplay wastes of time. Instead, they’re wild divas all about the main event. Take your Aries woman to the dunes or the back of your car! She will love the added pleasure of making love in public. Don’t be surprised if your Aries woman bites or growls during a round of wild sex. To her, your bed is another battlefield!Aries Guys in the Bedroom
Ready for sex with your Aries man? You better be looking for a dominant and impulsive lover! He’s likely to be more rough than polished, for sure. Aries men dictate the rules in bed and love the power dynamics at play. You should be able to excite him quickly because he likes fast, practical sessions. If you’re looking for prolonged passion, you must find something creative to keep his attention, like ropes or toys. No matter his age, Aries men love staying playful when it comes to making love.The Best Partners for Aries
Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Scorpio
With their high energy and passion, Gemini has a lot that Aries are looking for. Physically speaking, sparks often fly between the two of them as well. As for Leos, Aries love being able to communicate very directly and efficiently with them. Leos make Aries feel safe. When it comes to Aries and Libras, the two are polar opposites. However, even though their attraction may confuse others, it works just fine for the two of them. Finally, Scorpios and Aries understand each other on a deep level, love teasing each other, and love when the relationship gets intense.
Aries and Friendship

Making friends with Aries is always a good decision. They’re so good at helping you out! Aries are generous, paying for the first round of drinks and offering to pay the tab at the end of the night. Aries care for their friends, protect them and use optimism to lift the spirits of anyone around. Spending time with friends is the best thing an Aries can do to feel at peace.
Aries at Work
When it comes to business opportunities, Aries love following their instincts with all their heart. They often gamble and risk large investments to make their dreams and goals come true. However, Aries can often lack patience. If success doesn’t materialize immediately, Aries will usually move on to the next opportunity. Yes, Aries are notorious for not finishing what they started. In group settings, Aries will always strive to fill leadership positions. Their confidence and powerful communication skills make them great politicians as well. Start a free chat and gain immediate insight into your situation.Life Lessons from Aries
Although somewhat stubborn, Aries are good at learning from their mistakes. Over time they can even learn to compromise with others! It’s good for Aries to develop patience instead of saying the first thing that comes to mind. They should practice taking some time to assess a situation fully. Aries must learn that leadership is not always necessary, either. Taking on support positions, practicing forgiveness, and empathizing with those who may not be as fast as they are will be important life goals for them to work on.Aries in Childhood
Aries babies are stubborn and will do anything to be the center of attention. They love staying active and busy with anything they can get their hands on. Aries kids can often be a handful since they learn to walk, think, and speak quickly. However, they are still sensitive and vulnerable to negative situations, even if they don’t show their weaknesses. When things don’t go as planned, Aries kids will often throw a tantrum. For best results, let Aries kids play outside in nature as much as possible!Aries and Travel
Aries and Health
Aries have strong hearts and generally stay mentally and physically healthy throughout their lives. Aries sometimes suffer from headaches or migraines, though, due to all that excess stress they get themselves into. Thankfully, once they find their balance again, the headaches tend to disappear. Sometimes digestion issues pop up for Aries, too. Aries need to practice eating slowly and mindfully. They can learn to enjoy their food more this way as well.The Aries Zodiac Sign
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, leading all the others. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and is associated with the element of fire and the spring season. Aries is also one of four Cardinal signs. Throughout history, astrologers have associated Aries with positive, extroverted, and passionate characteristics. Aries is a positive sign that strives for the purest form of manifestation on all levels.Aries - Spring Signs
For those born in spring, taking initiative and starting projects is second nature. Spring signs enjoy sharing what they create, produce, and contemplate with others, but they rely on freedom to turn their ideas into reality. Spring signs must have space to grow and develop themselves before presenting their true gifts to the world. With good intuition, spring signs make for great consultants when you have new business ideas. Spring signs also tend to be innocent, impulsive, and spontaneous.Famous Aries
For famous Aries throughout history, consider Leonardo da Vinci, Aretha Franklin, Marlon Brando, Paul de Leeuw, Charlie Chaplin, Vincent van Gogh, Diana Ross, Eddie Murphy, Billie Holliday, Al Gore, Mariah Carey, Jules de Corte, Johan Sebastian Bach, Bruce Willis, Lee Towers, Gary Kasparov, David Letter Mann, Sergei Rachmaninov, JP Morgan, Hugo Claus, Anton Geesink, St. Teresa of Aviva, Glenn Close, and Clarance Seedorf.
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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)