Exploring the positive and negative characteristics of Libra
It’s Libra lesson time! Individuals born under the constellation of Libra—a.k.a the Balancing Scale—are the most sophisticated, diplomatic, and well-behaved out of all the star signs. Charismatic, persuasive, and bridge builders in times of conflict, Libras bring people together with their straightforward, fair, and confident nature. Libras are wise observers who consider all possible scenarios before taking any action. They constantly strive for harmony and balance.
The Libra Personality
A quick thing about Libras: Sometimes, you’ll find them making people uncomfortable or off-balanced, and their sense of humor can sometimes come off as hurtful. This is because they want to see the true nature of people by putting them in odd situations. Afterward, Libras will often have long conversations exploring why people behave as they do. When someone says or does something strange, they want to understand why. In short, Libras strive for the truth, but not always effectively.
Essential Characteristics of Libra
Here are some more basics about Libras. They love art, culture, beauty, and having fun. Keeping up their good looks is very important to them, as well. Libras need plenty of time to think about their decisions, so don’t rush them. Their natural inner peace means they also have the gift of seeing the highest potential in the world around them. Most importantly, Libras constantly fight against injustices and strive for peace and equal rights for everyone.

Libra in Love
Libra in Relationships
Looking to shack up with a Libra? Well, good thing for you. Relationships and love are top priorities for Libras. They will never give up on love and make excellent partners by focusing on the other person’s well-being. This means that Libras tend to have the longest, happiest marriages. Libras don’t do well alone, so they fight to ensure the relationship is healthy and going to last. Another thing to note is that Libras can be highly indecisive in relationships, so be prepared to make the final decisions.

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Libra Men Going Through a Breakup
Libra men become like lost boys after a relationship ends, not understanding what went wrong and why someone would reject them. Because of this, a Libra man will often make up excuses for why his ex-partner behaved the way they did. He’ll try to lord over his ex and maintain control over any matters that still concern the two of them, like splitting dishware or claiming mutual friends. To avoid this feeling of hurt, Libra men will often end a relationship themselves once they feel the writing is on the wall.
Libra Women Going Through a Breakup
When a Libra woman goes through a breakup, she bawls and screams until the pain is released. Temper tantrums and bouts of aggression are common when heartbreak gets to a Libra woman. Feeling hurt and vulnerable are so unnatural to her. Libra women have a tough time letting go of the relationship. She will even beg her ex for one more chance at getting back together. As soon as she accepts her reality and relaxes for a moment, she’ll feel better and set off on a new adventure.

Dating a Libra Woman
Got your eyes on a Libra woman? Keep in mind that dating a Libra woman can be complicated. Libra women want to be admired like a valuable treasure, but they will do anything to seduce you. Concerts and intimate restaurants are great places to take a Libra woman out on a date. Even better, casually suggest the priciest restaurant in the city as if it is no big deal. You will earn many points by doing something memorable, and your Libra woman will greatly appreciate you.
Dating a Libra Man

Libra Women in the Bedroom
When it comes to sex, Libra women are somewhat kinky. They enjoy making love where someone might see them. Games of seduction are her style, too, along with receiving massages and being pampered. A gentle touch from head to toe will immediately put your Libra woman in the right mood. Too forceful, though, and she may lock you out for the rest of the night.
Libra Guys in the Bedroom
Libra men are rather sensitive regarding their lovemaking, so be sure to carry out your foreplay for as long as possible. Candles, champagne, strawberries, whipped cream… these are all perfect ways to get your Libra man excited. He wants the atmosphere to be picture-perfect and romantic. When the main action finally does start, your Libra man won’t want a quickie, either. He’s expecting appetizers, entrées, desserts, and maybe even a second serving… or thirds.
The Best Partners for Libra
Aquarius, Aries, and TaurusYou get a vibrant, joyful combination when you put Libra and Aquarians together. Each half brings out the best in the other. Libra and Aries together are both dominant, and their unique union creates extra sexual energy. As for Libra and Taurus's relationships, their relationship is one filled with constant admiration for the other person. Expect passions to skyrocket between these two.

Libra and Friendship
Got a lovely Libra friend in your life? That’s good because friendships are essential to Libras. Libras are chill, relaxed individuals creating a comfortable space for friendships to foster. Libras inspire the best in their friends and help them whenever needed. Libras happily pay the bill at a restaurant where other friends might shy away from volunteering. This is because Libras are generous with their resources, time, and energy. They would rather share everything with their friends than risk being alone.
Libra at Work
Life Lessons from Libra
Libras need to learn to be independent and self-sufficient as soon as possible instead of relying on friends for support. Libras must learn that completing routine chores on their own is a normal part of life, not just trying to save the world. Also, while balance and stability are essential, Libras must be willing to take risks if they ever want to taste success. Finally, while Libras are often popular and charming among their friends, they must understand that not everyone will be so easily impressed.
Libra in Childhood
Libra children tend to be very obedient but very demanding. They can often start their lives with uncontrollable energy. Guidance and affection from their parents will be crucial for calming them down. Libra children also love constantly being in the spotlight and will seek out any occasion to entertain family and friends with dancing, singing, or impersonations. One thing’s for sure: Libra kids are never boring. In fact, other kids will look up to them early on in life as great sources of advice and inspiration.
Libra and Travel
Libra and Health
Maintaining constant peace always means Libras tend to be prone to anxiety and stress. On top of this, when chaos and conflict strike, Libras suffer even more. Libras need constant harmony and love to feel at peace. Having people around is also crucial for them. However, Libras will find that taking time to recharge alone can be a huge game changer towards improving their health.
The Libra Zodiac Sign
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and one of four Cardinal signs. The constellation of Libra is associated with the element of Air and is ruled by the planet Venus. Throughout history, astrologers have found Libras to be honest, balanced, cunning, unbiased, cooperative, gentle, analytical, cheerful, romantic, kind, easygoing, impressionable, sophisticated, dynamic, artistic, idealistic, hesitant, and sensitive towards others.
Libra - Autumn Signs
People born in the autumn months tend to be more critical, picky, and less spontaneous than those born in spring while being more thoughtful than those born in summer. Autumn people excel at guarding their feelings. They have a strong need for serious, fulfilling relationships as well. Autumn people also have a keen sense of the energies around them. They tend to be less impulsive and control their emotions better than others. For these individuals, self-control and self-understanding are personal priorities throughout life.
Famous Libra
For examples of famous Libras throughout history, consider Margaret Thatcher, John Lennon, Luciano Pavarotti, Desmond Tutu, Sting, Frank Rijkaard, Yves Montand, Michael Douglas, Jimmy Carter, Marcello Mastroianni, George Gershwin, Brigitte Bardot, Mohandas Gandhi, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Olivia Newton-John, Barbara Walters, Groucho Marx, Truman Capote, Jesse Jackson, Jenny Arean, Simon Carmiggelt, Britt Ekland, Art Tatum, Arthur Miller, Oscar Wilde, Rita Hayworth, Martina Navratilova, George C. Scott, Roger Moore, Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul Simon, Nancy Kerrigan, and Mario Puzo.
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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)