Exploring the positive and negative characteristics of Cancer
Interested in learning about the Cancer star sign? Well, individuals born under the constellation of Cancer, also known as Cancerians, tend to be patient and defensive just like the Crab they’re named after. They don’t tend to make many demands of others, but when they want something, Cancerians will do whatever they can to convince you to give it to them. Cancerians prefer expressing themselves non-verbally but do get pretty vocal when they don’t get their way. Cancerians also tend to be quite emotional and seclude themselves from the outside world. They are deeply empathetic and can feel other people’s energies at all times.The Cancer Personality
Here’s the thing with Cancerians: they have a hard time letting things go. Disagreements don’t usually get violent, but Cancerians will keep bickering longer than necessary. Even after a compromise has been reached, don’t expect Cancerians to move on. A moment later, they may stir the pot and rile everyone up again! Because of this, it’s often best to let Cancerians have their way. They will do anything to solve problems which they are passionate about.Essential Characteristics of Cancer
Some basic things to know about Cancerians: They’re usually homebodies and will decorate their living space like a five-star hotel. Anxiety of all kinds tends to slow them down, too. They often worry about losing their money and friends, but thankfully their moods change pretty quickly. One moment Cancerians will be pissy and sarcastic, and the next moment they’re rays of golden sunshine.
Cancer in Love
Cancer in Relationships
Thinking of making it official with a Cancerian? Well, Cancerians take relationships very seriously. When they fall for someone, they fall hard! Be aware, though, once they’ve got a crush on you, it can be difficult to shake them off. Cancerians constantly long to be in relationships, however, if their partners show signs of disappointment or anger, they will retreat into their shells. When things are going well, though, Cancerians love protecting their partners.
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Cancer Men Going Through a Breakup
When a breakup is mutual, Cancerian men have no problem letting things go. If you want to end the relationship and he doesn’t, though, things can get a little prickly. Cancerian men will often refuse to move on and instead withdraw, rage, and be disappointed or resentful of the situation. He won’t simply say goodbye. He had his sights set on you and will do anything to get you back. His clinginess means he cannot fully process the reality of the situation.Cancer Women Going Through a Breakup
Cancerian women are very sensitive and cannot easily express their emotions in words. They generally will not share their heartbreak with friends or family members. Instead, Cancerian women retreat into their shells. She may lie in bed for days as long as the pain stays there. Even worse, if the relationship had lasted for many years, a breakup may be enough to send her into deep depression.
Dating a Cancer Woman
Dating a Cancer Man
Going out with a Cancerian man? Well, don’t push your own preferences on him. Instead, ask him what his favorite movie or restaurant is and let him decide the night’s events. Cancerian men are pretty picky, too, and may end the night early if the sequence of events doesn’t live up to his expectations. As long as you figure out what he likes, though, your first date will be fine! After the date is done, be prepared for him to get brutally honest about seeing you again… or not.
Cancer Women in the Bedroom
When it comes to sex, Cancerian women generally tend to be shy and not take the initiative, so it’s usually best to tell her exactly when and where you want to knock boots. She needs to know it will take place somewhere safe, so don’t suggest the back of your car for the first time around. No matter where you decide, prepare for some unpleasantness during your first night with her. Cancerian women need time to open up to you. Once you do earn her trust, she’s not going to turn into some kind of sex bunny, but she will give into her deepest passions. Romantic music, going slow, a gentle touch, and endless compliments are all the things she’s looking for.Cancer Guys in the Bedroom
When it comes to sex, Cancerian men are hopeless romantics and full of empathy. He wants nothing more than to satisfy his lover. Cancerian men are tender and gentle in everything they do. Foreplay is everything to him. Also, he will likely know many techniques and tricks to excite his partner. Cancerian men also find sexy lingerie very stimulating.The Best Partners for Cancerians
Aquarius, Pisces, and ScorpioWhen Cancer and Aquarius pair up, their love affair provides a unique opportunity to explore the deepest parts of themselves. This special combo produces strong chemistry but also frequently leads to an open relationship. Cancer and Pisces together can get through anything together. Their relationships tend to be very relaxed and easy going. As for Cancer and Scorpio, they tend to have powerful attractions for one another. Their relationships tend to be deeply spiritual and eternal.

Cancer and Friendship
Cancerians at Work
When it comes to work, Cancerians have a great work ethic and always go the extra mile to impress their employers. Cancerians need to find a career where they can remain self-motivated, though, since they don’t do well when others tell them what to do. If they’re stuck on a boring task, Cancerians will often daydream and retreat into their own world. However, if they are working on something that ignites their passions, you can expect them to give 100% to the project and spread positive energy all around them. Cancerians are also masters at negotiation. Start a free chat and gain immediate insight into your situation.Life Lessons for Cancer
Throughout their lives, it’s very important for Cancerians to learn how to speak honestly about their feelings and allow others to explain why they may be upset with them. Cancerians need to learn how release their emotions instead of bottling them up. They also need to learn how to relax and be a little less formal. Life is short and precious. Having fun and laughing can be bring great healing to Cancerians underneath their hard shells.Cancer in Childhood
Cancerian children tend to be shy and will most likely need help connecting with their peers. However, once they do find the courage to play with their friends, they will have tons of fun. Cancerian children love socializing, but they also need a safe haven where no one can touch them. They look forward to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, knowing that these are very special days of the year. Cancerian children are also very sensitive to negative feedback and can get overwhelmed by all of their emotions.Cancer and Travel
Cancer and Health
When it comes to their health, Cancerians need to conserve their energy. The vibes of friends and strangers alike can often weigh them down, so they will need to focus on letting go of other people’s business. Baths are crucial to keep Cancerians at peace, or anything with water really. Walking on the beach can help relax a Cancerian and keep depression at bay. Also, comedy movies help them loosen up and laugh away their pains.The Cancer Zodiac Sign
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and one of the four Cardinal signs. It is associated with the element of Water and ruled by the Moon. Throughout history, astrologers have seen Cancerians as being eager, resourceful, loyal, intuitive, caring, protective, purposeful, cunning, romantic, homebodies, faithful, anxious, honest, maternal, creative, likeable, simple, emotional, moody, and warm.Cancer - Summer Signs
People born in the summer months tend to have more positive attitudes than others. They excel when they can express their emotions and access their feelings. Summer people shine with energy and inspire those around them. They also enjoy helping their family, friends, and co-workers whenever possible. Summer people are compassionate and nurturing, and many people come to them for advice. They also have tremendous empathy and can often read into the thoughts and feelings of others.Famous Cancerians
For examples of Cancerians throughout history consider Julius Caesar, Nelson Mandela, Nicole Kidman, Prins, William, Jean-Paul Sartre, Cyndi Lauper, Meryl Streep, Jos Brink, Wim T. Schipper, Prins Bernhard, Princess Diana, Pamela Anderson, Jean-Jaques Rousseau, Herman Hesse, Mike Tyson, George Sand, Carl Lewis, Emma Goldman, Adelheid Roosen, Emma Goldman, Sidney Lumet, Franz Kafka, Tom Hanks, Dalai Lama, Tom Cruise, Wim Duisenberg, Gustav Mahler, John D. Rockenfeller, Pierre Cardin, Jan Brusse, Sylvester Stelone, Nancy Reagan, Marcel Proust, and Karin Bloemen.
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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)