Exploring the positive and negative characteristics of Taurus
Let’s talk about Taurus! Individuals born under the Bull constellation of Taurus, also known as Taureans, are very sensual and enjoy living large with good food and good wine. Taureans stay persistent and never give up on their goals. They go all the way or not at all. Taureans prioritize security, both emotional and financial. With their excellent patience and responsibility, they tend to accomplish this. Taureans can be stubborn and irrational sometimes, though, so it’s best to stay alert around them. At the end of the day, Taureans love to kick back and relax.The Taurus Personality
The thing to remember about Taureans is that they quickly make up their mind. Yes, Taureans are good listeners, but they’re also very stubborn. When Taureans feel challenged, they get heated, and once they reach their boiling point, it’s time to back away. Taureans can hold grudges forever and blame their problems on everyone except themselves. For these reasons, it’s essential for Taureans to forgive others and take personal responsibility for their situations. Taureans are often their own biggest enemy.Essential Characteristics of Taurus
Taureans love enjoying life but sometimes have difficulty sharing their time and possessions with others. They prefer when others keep their hands off their things. Instead, Taureans would much rather use their ample generosity to buy stuff for other people, so they don’t come asking to borrow their possessions. Taureans are the most helpful star signs, however! Just make sure to catch them when they’re not resting or procrastinating, which they like to do quite a bit. Once they sit down to relax, it’s hard for Taureans to get back up.
Taurus in Love
Taurus in Relationships
So, do Taurean men get jealous in relationships? The short answer: yes… very jealous. Taurean men get jealous not only in relationships but also regarding their partners’ possessions, time, and attention. They don’t want anyone else hogging time with their partner. As for Taurean women, they certainly get jealous, too but tend not to show it. Taureans—of any gender—will do whatever they can to make their relationships succeed. Taureans have all the resources needed to make a healthy, long-term relationship. Taureans love tradition and thrive when they can give themselves totally to their partner.
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Taurus Men Going Through a Breakup
When Taurean men go through breakups, they feel it in every fiber of their bones. Taurean men miss their partner's aroma and warmth that felt like a soft, gentle blanket. Because of Taurean’s direct personality, he does not fully know how to process his heartbreak. Change of any kind, especially heartbreak, is never easy for him. Taurean men, therefore, tend to stay cranky and upset until they finally figure out how to heal their wounds.Taurus Women Going Through a Breakup
For Taurean women, their breakups last forever. She’ll feel sad and lonely for quite a long time after her lover has left her. Her pain goes deep into her soul and feels impossible to express to anyone. She’ll shut herself off from the outside world and avoid family and friends so that she doesn’t have to face the reality of her situation. After a few weeks, Taurean women may make a list of pros and cons covering their current situation until she convinces herself it’s best to move on.
Dating a Taurus Woman
So, you got your eyes set on a Taurean woman? Expect her to be friendly and sociable as soon as you approach her. Don’t be too intense, though. She may not seem that sensitive of a woman from the outside, but she definitely is. Taurean women have a lot to give but expect a lot in return. They like to be entertained and can often be wooed over by a delicious meal. Take her to a nice restaurant, talk about your job, car, and expensive toys, and she will have the night of her life! Taurean women want an honest man who can give her a secure future.Dating a Taurus Man
Taurus Women in the Bedroom
If you want to get a Taurean woman into the bedroom, she will first have to accept you into her life. This can take a while. Making love with her can be tricky since the mood and ambiance have to be perfectly right for her to really surrender. Taurean women don’t like being overwhelmed, so be sure to caress her longer than you think, very slowly and gently, before going any further. Think of sex with her like appetizers, main course, and dessert, and know once you get all the way, she’ll want to stay there for a very long time.Taurus Guys in the Bedroom
Taurean guys are very methodical and traditional when it comes to lovemaking, so much so that it may feel like he’s a caveman. No frills. No complicated positions. This is because Taurean men tend not to like change, so anytime something new is presented, he’ll need a lot of time to get comfortable with the idea before trying it out. For Taurean men, smells and feels are also important in the bedroom. However, Taurean men can be great lovers when everything is perfect and fill their partners with unbelievable pleasure.The Best Partners for Taurus
Libra, Scorpio, and CapricornTaurus and Libra together make a great mutual support system since Libra feels grounded by the warm, calm presence of a Taurus. Taurus and Scorpio's relationships can either be excellent or terrible, likely because they represent each other’s opposites. As for Taurus and Capricorn relationships, this is the classic pairing. They are both Earth signs, and their relationship tends to be positive, stable, and unproblematic. Both will feel comfortable and natural together.

Taurus and Friendship
Taurus at Work
Taureans are great workers but don’t do well with micro-managers or busybodies. Due to their dominant energy, Taureans cannot stay satisfied in a subordinate role for too long. Instead, they will naturally find their way into becoming invaluable advisers, leaders, and consultants. Launching and designing projects come very naturally to them, too. Taureans love carefully outlining strategies and implementation plans. They make excellent businesspeople, investors, bankers, and even farmers. Start a free chat and gain immediate insight into your situation.Life Lessons from Taurus
It’s certainly possible for Taureans to change and evolve over time if they put their minds to it. Taureans can learn to loosen up, especially once they realize that people often misinterpret their perseverance on many matters as being overly stubborn. While Taureans know how to empathize with their peers, it’s important that this not veer into manipulation. Taureans are naturally strong and charismatic, but they must learn how to handle imperfections and allow others to shine in the spotlight.Taurus in Childhood
Taurus children are always cuddly and friendly, needing much physical contact. Never upset a little Taurus. They need to do things at their own pace and will become stubborn and upset if you try to force them into something. Taurus children love to eat but are stubborn and will fight if you try to give them new dishes. Taurus children also have an eye for beauty and love high-quality toys. They’re intelligent, and if a little Taurus wants to learn something, they will continue practicing until they have it mastered.Taurus and Travel
Taurus and Health
Shoulder and neck complaints are typical for Taureans since they tend to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and make unnecessary stress for themselves. Because Taureans love good food and wine, they also need to be careful not to overeat or learn to eat in smaller portions. To help with the moodiness that often afflicts Taureans, it’s important that they go out often exercising, walking, or cycling, for example.The Taurus Zodiac Sign
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac, one of four Fixed signs, and is associated with the element of Earth. Venus rules over the constellation of Taurus. Throughout history, astrologers have connected Taureans with being steadfast, persistent, persuasive, stubborn, unreasonable, and down to earth. People born under Earth signs tend to focus on beautifying and improving their surroundings. Taureans feel most comfortable in physical and material situations.Taurus – Spring Signs
For those born in spring, they shine with joy and vitality. New projects bring them tremendous energy. Spring personalities are also great at adapting and starting new chapters in their lives. They tend to be extroverted and influence those around them. Their inner child stays strong throughout their lives, and they find it difficult to get along with consistently negative people.Famous Taurus
For famous Taureans throughout history, consider William Shakespeare, Karl Marx, and Shirley Mclaine. Fred Astaire, Johannes Braams, Jack Nicholson, Princess Juliana, Michelle Pfeiffer, Al Pacino, Willie Nelson, Oskar Schindler, Emperor Hirohito, Karl Marx, Rudolf Valentino, Sigmund Freud, Fred Astaire, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Salvador Dali, Henry Fonda, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Katherine Hepburn.
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Want to know more about the other zodiac signs?
Aries (21 march - 20 april)
Taurus (21 april - 21 may)
Gemini (22 may - 21 june)
Cancer (22 june - 22 july)
Leo (23 july - 23 august)
Virgo (24 august - 22 september)
Libra (23 september - 22 oktober)
Scorpio (23 oktokber - 21 november)
Sagittarius (22 november - 22 december)
Capricorn (23 december - 20 january)
Aquarius (21 january - 19 february)
Pisces (20 february - 20 march)